‘First Peoples’ PBS Original Series Traces Humanity’s Journey
First Peoples, the PBS original series, traces humanity’s journey through the first homo-sapiens in their quest to populate the world. The series explores how humanity has populated almost the entire...
View ArticlePakistan Hospitals and Morgues Are Overflowing Due to Heat Wave
Pakistan’s hospitals and morgues are overflowing due to a heat wave that has left the region in chaos. Pakistan temperatures this summer have ranged between 104 – 120 degrees Fahrenheit since the...
View Article‘Dark Matter’ Explores Space Amnesia and Secrets
‘Dark Matter‘ portrays an interesting scenario of a group of people who wake up with no idea who they are, why they are floating in space, and where their apparent deadly super skills arose from. The...
View ArticleTunisian Shooter Targeting Tourists
Tunisian death counts are steadily rising and have now reached about 40 people, as authorities investigate a mass shooting that happened at the Imperial Marhaba Hotel in Sousse, Tunisia on Friday, June...
View ArticleGrenoble Scene of Gruesome Terror Attack
Grenoble, a metropolitan city of around 550,000 citizens, was the scene of a gruesome terror attack and beheading on June 26, 2015. Two suspects have been arrested. One suspect, identified as Yasine...
View ArticleTaiwan Colored Powder Explosion Burns Hundreds at Water Park
Taiwan colored powder explosion burned hundreds at a water park on the weekend of June 27th, 2015. Taiwan water park goers were in for a dark surprise as a colored powder, used at many events and...
View ArticleSan Francisco Gay Pride Event Shooting
The San Francisco Gay Pride event went off seemingly without a hitch until the end of the event when four shots were fired into the crowd. The shots were fired around 6pm, hours after the parade had...
View ArticleTurkey Gay Pride Festivities Disrupted by Police Violence
Turkey Gay Pride festivities in Istanbul were disrupted by police violence, as the police blocked off many of the side streets that hosted the Pride walk and fired into the crowd with rubber pellets...
View ArticleMicrosoft Corporation Partners With AOL and Uber
Microsoft corporation has partnered with AOL and Uber to take the companies advertising and mapping technology to the next level, in an ever growing and increasingly competitive market. Microsoft will...
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